Here’s How You Can Deliver an Irresistible Business Pitch

Once you have laid out your business plan, the most challenging, and honestly terrifying, parts of getting a start-up business going is getting an investor. Investors receive dozens of business pitches every single day, so the trepidation in starting your own search for an investor is quite understandable. For this reason, we try to inch our way into it rather than plunging in. For instance, if you are an Australian company, one of the first things you might do is to sign up for the ASIC search. This will enable both potential investors and customers to easily seek out information about your start-up.

But that just reduces the vetting time your investors will do to find out if you are a worthy investment; it will still boil down to your pitch and how you have delivered it. Here we will talk about how you can deliver an unforgettable pitch, one that investors will surely find irresistible.

Do not take too much time with the delivery

Never too much time when delivering your pitch, because it then becomes tedious to listen to. It is important to be concise so you can allow them to ask questions afterward. It would be best to include only the nature of the business and why it was conceived; other information will be filled in with their questions. Be confident while speaking in front of them; remember that you know your business inside and out; you have all the information for any question they will throw at you.

Try to create a narrative for it

One way to make a pitch less boring or more unique is to tell your pitch as if you are telling a story. A narrative will almost always catch people’s attention, and it is no different in the dragon’s den.

Hit important points in your pitch

Other than keeping your pitch concise, another way to show investors that you appreciate them for taking their time with you is to mention these things in your pitch during the time they have allotted for you:

  • What is the product and what is so unique about it
  • Target market and how you go about attracting them
  • Revenue model being adapted

Avoid talking endlessly about the product, just limit it to what it is and what problem it is addressing. Hit these points and your investor will definitely show interest.

Show enthusiasm

This is your business and you want it to succeed, there is not any kind of motivation that is better than that. So show that same enthusiasm to the investors so that they can see how passionate you are in starting this.

Keep these important things in mind when you are writing your first investment pitch, and for sure you will get an offer in no time.

Digital Marketing is the key in e-Commerce in China

Rising interest for outside items, new stages, and a push by the administration are moving the pattern.

As wages have ascended in China, its customers have ventured up their buys of imported merchandise. Yet, now, eager for the most recent items and better costs, they can purchase specifically from outside retailers and providers at the snap of a mouse or the swipe of a screen. Cross-outskirt buyer web based business added up to an expected 259 billion renminbi ($40 billion) in 2015, more than 6 percent of China’s aggregate customer online business, and it’s developing at upward of 50 percent every year. The nation’s significant internet business webpage, Alibaba’s Tmall, has moved into the market with a cross-fringe website (Tmall Worldwide), as have littler customer opponents and new businesses, while US web based business pioneer Amazon is progressively dynamic in China.

Various variables are filling the cross-outskirt incline (show). Chinese center and upper-white collar class customers are hoping to exchange up to remote garments and devices not yet accessible in China, and they like the specialty offerings that conventional “blocks or snaps” traders once in a while offer. Abroad imports bought through such channels, in addition, are frequently costly: for instance, infant recipe from abroad, famous with well-to-do Chinese guardians, regularly costs up to twice as much as a similar item in the Assembled States or Europe. Customers on cross-outskirt online business destinations additionally feel some level of insurance from fake or fake products that frequently go for seaward brands, especially in second-level urban areas and rustic ranges.
Government activity is capable, as well. With an end goal to stem unlawful dim market imports, China has made a good postal obligation of 10 to 50 percent for an expansive rundown of individual utilize things—now and again as meager as a large portion of the typical one. (Obligation expenses of under 50 renminbi are ordinarily postponed.) Eight Chinese urban areas have set up exchange zones meeting all requirements for this duty administration, with more prone to do as such, and internet business players have moved to accelerate the freedom of products through traditions. Built up coordinations administrators are building new conveyance channels to deal with the extending exchange. another web based business turn off from SF Express, is one illustration.
Quick development and rising rivalry are impelling unions and new procedures. Tmall Worldwide has pulled in major outside retailers, for example, US-based Costco and South Korea’s Lotte Bazaar, to its cross-fringe site. Amazon not just as of late opened its seaward shopping destinations to Chinese customers additionally offers clients of its Chinese site ( a rundown of chose outside items with Chinese-dialect depictions and details.
This article is a piece of our arrangement, China Beat, which conveys knowledge into how digitization is reshaping China.

source :

  1. Digital e-Commerce agency 
  2. McKingley
  3. Daxue Consulting

4 Important Items of Information Customers Can Find on Product Labels

As a business owner selling products, it is important that you put emphasis on the product labels. This is not just for compliance with the law, but to also help your customers. After all, you want them to appreciate your products. Everything starts with what they see on the label. Here is some of the information that your customers will get if they check the labels.

  1. Nutritional facts. If you are selling food, you need to be truthful about the nutritional facts. This includes the amount of nutrients per serving or the ingredients that were used. There are customers who are very conscious about what they put in their mouth. You can convince them to buy your products more if you are truthful about the nutritional facts. If they are turned off because of it, at least you were honest.
  2. How the product is used and recycled. This is also a good way to save the environment. You need to let your customers know if the package can be used again. For instance, if it is a bottle, you can tell them that it is actually recyclable and in what way the container can be recycled. If the container has to be disposed of immediately or if it contains hazardous chemicals, it is important to let them know too.
  3. How the product is to be transported. This is not for your customers but for the people delivering the product. They need to know if the boxes contain fragile items. For instance, if the container is breakable, they have to be extra careful. This is for your business too. Otherwise, your product might be damaged before it even reaches the market.
  4. Warning signs. You have to be honest on the label and if you need customers and handlers to be warned, you should. If they still decide to buy your product, it is their choice and not yours. The point is you let them know if there are things that they have to be cautious of. Usually, cigarettes come with warning signs and so does liquor. This tells the consumers the dangers of consuming certain products.

Once you have decided what to write on the product labels, you can focus on finding a company with the best labelling machines. It is important that the labels are clear. The label will also be the first thing a buyer will check. If the words and images are clear, they will make the right decision. If the label looks dull and cheap, they might think your product is of low quality. This is why you have to be careful in choosing the company for labelling the products you sell.


Image via (holohololand)


Five Considerations to Protect Your Business from Lawsuits

The Business environment is characterized by its competitive nature which often leads to anticipated or unexpected lawsuits. It is not uncommon to hear of random lawsuits directed to a business by either a competitor or even a client suing for damage. Therefore, what are some of the ways that you can protect your business from lawsuits and other forms of legal attacks?

These five tips should help keep your business safe from lawsuits

1. Always write down and sign agreements

It is said that a good business knows no pleasure. Indeed, the best way to avoid future disagreements with either business partners or employees is to ensure that all agreements are handled legally. A legally sound method of handling transactions is through contracts which tie down all partners and principles to the deal. Therefore, aim to keep all agreements legal and backed up through contracts as this will keep you safe from potential issues that may arise during operations.

2. Be Informed of every Business Law

Staying in the know is important, especially when it comes to knowing the legal responsibilities and limits of your business. Understanding the obligations of your business to the state, employee and customers will help you plan on the most appropriate ways of handling all duties. Also, the knowledge of integrity and tax laws in addition to other business laws is critical in ensuring the business is on course to remain on the right side of the law.

3. Legal Representation

Having a reliable legal partner on standby- whether for a small business or large enterprise- is always essential as it ensures you are legally covered. Owning a business does not necessarily make you a legal expert overnight. Therefore, seeking legal counsel should be among the first things you do before your business is up and running as it enables you to receive expert advice on various legal issues. Ignoring such issues can prove costly in the future if not addressed at an early stage. Some law firms such as The Weisblatt Law Firm, offer a range of legal business services and initial phone consultations as well. Seeking such services will give you the opportunity to receive professional legal counsel for your business.

4. Be Cautious of Your Actions

Most businesses get caught up in legal battles due to careless remarks and actions. Because of this, it is advisable to practice caution, especially when dealing with external parties and competitors. Being cautious also means setting up business regulations that will help prevent legal issues or claims for various torts such as negligence. Therefore, if the floor is slippery, ensure you take the initiative of warning users of the imminent danger of using the floor. A responsible business barely has lawsuit issues to deal with due to its legal consciousness

5. Keep all records secure

Most businesses usually cross paths with the law at some point during operations. At this point, corruption, tort, and taxation allegations can be made on your business at any time. Having a reliable document and record storage system will help you prove your firm`s compliance with the various legal regulations and avoid any legal action. Therefore, ensure you keep all contracts, records, and documents of interest safe as they act as a source of reference when the need arises.

Observing these five tips will not only help you avoid lawsuits but also ensure your business is compliant with various federal regulations and business laws.


Business Safety Checklist for Avoiding Personal Injury

For business establishments, the thought of a worker’s compensation claim is a nightmare that should be avoided at all cost. When one of your employees gets injured on the job, the resulting medical costs could pile up and dig a deep hole in your business’ pocket. Aside from getting the help of a law firm, such as Dolman Law Group, it would be better if you’ll be able to prevent these injuries from happening, and here’s how.

1. Preventing Slip and Fall Injuries
Preventing slip and fall injuries within the business premises isn’t that difficult at all. You need to make sure that the common areas where your workers and employees go to are well lit. The use of slip-resistant rubber where appropriate is also ideal. For example, those who are managing a restaurant should consider the use of rubber mats in their kitchen and make sure that the spills would be wiped as soon as possible.

2. Educate Employees About Ergonomics
Another common cause of workplace accidents is brought by repetitive stressed caused by common activities, such as looking at the computer screen for hours, typing, and using the mouse. Although this may seem harmless at first, if done regularly, it can also cause personal injury to the person.

3. Offer Safety Equipment
See to it that your employees have the safety equipment needed for their job, and they fully understand the importance and how to use these properly. For example, those who oversee moving heavy things, or loading and unloading of shipment should have back braces. This would give you the assurance that your workers are protected against back injuries that often happens when lifting heavy things.

4. Be Updated with the New Hazards
Being updated and educating your employees about the new hazards and how to avoid them can be quite helpful in the long run. Believe it or not, sometimes, technology could also cause safety hazards– just like how the use of the computer for several hours could be harmful to one’s health. Also, make sure to always remind your employees to focus on their work and avoid getting distracted, as this can always trigger accidents.

5. Promote a Culture of Safety
A business should show their employees that safety is their main priority. Through this, you’ll be able to encourage your workers to be cautious always. For instance, if your employees are always in a hurry, accidents become very usual. Thus, you should remind them to follow the procedures, and it’s alright to work a little slower, if they’d be able to ensure their safety.

Keep in mind, the cost you’re going to spend on these workers become injured would definitely be a lot. That means, it would be better to allow them to work a little slower, as long as you’d know they’d be safe.

6. Have a Written Policy
A written policy is like a manual that would serve as a guideline for your employees and workers to follow. It’s a great way to instruct the employees how to properly use equipment and safety procedures always.