A very assertive gift could transform your event, congress or meeting into a total success. As the industry raises the goals for planning future events, planning professionals should consider giving gifts that inspire their peers, teams, and colleagues. There are a lot of options that not only express gratitude but also foster creativity and inspiration. We share with you five useful gifts to increase happiness and productivity in attendees of your events.

1. Traveling Mug – to carry coffee everywhere!

Because coffee generates happiness in many people, a reusable bottle made of non-toxic stainless steel is an excellent idea for all those who wake up very early. The first thing they do is prepare a large pot of coffee; For them, the most practical thing is to be able to transport your cup of coffee to any place. There are many features of where to choose the best option; you can even personalize it with a name so that each cup is as unique as the employees of your company.

2. Coloring book for adults – therapy for large children

The coloring is no longer just for kids; coloring books helps those looking for peace and inspiration. A very useful technique for adults that helps relieve stress calm the mind, promote attention and inspire creative thinking.

3. Portable charger – do not get caught on the way down

With so many emails and running around in the event room, who has time to sit and wait until he finishes loading his cell phone? No one wants to be worried that they will run out of battery power, so it’s a magnificent idea to give away a portable charger to attendees. There is always something to suit every need and above all, it is useful for every occasion.

4.Planner – like a pro

A successful person should have a planner to be able to write down everything: a lot of appointments set a goal guide and always have a list of tasks at hand. This is an outstanding gift idea to give away to your attendees, to entrepreneurs, sales consultants, those interested in health and practically anyone who is willing to put their life in order.

5. Take control of internal balance

The key to reducing stress is to increase inner happiness. The five precepts outlined in the book The Consciousness Survival Kit will help us achieve an ethical and moral understanding and understanding of how it can be applied to everyday life and how it plays a major role in our society.

Consider giving something to help industry professionals keep motivating and surpassing each other to meet each year’s goals.


Author Bio:

Laura Wang has been a freelance writer and editor for five years. She has contributed to many national magazines and websites, her most recent blog is Birthday gifts for men, in which she is working as an author to write, edit and refine the articles.

Leadership Tips Every Business Person Should Know

Meeting Corporate Success Brainstorming Teamwork Concept

No one fully comprehends what it means to be a leader until they are in a top leadership position. Good leadership in business can be the difference between mediocre results, and a thriving department, branch, team, or business overall. Whether you are in charge of shift scheduling software, sales teams, operations, design team, or other below are some tips to implement, or refresh yourself with when looking for ways to improve your skills as a leader.

  1. Refresh: Never stop learning and exploring ground breaking leadership tips, tools and techniques. Psychology is always making leaps and bounds in understanding the human psyche and how teams can reach their potential.
  1. Listen: Listen to your team’s input. Your team could have great ideas to improve a process, product, or strategy. Without listening or encouraging your team to provide feedback and ideas you’ll miss out on brainstorming activities that can assist the company or your division.
  1. Communicate Effectively: Most people think they are getting their points across, but many studies have shown what we think we are communicating and what people perceive can vary wide and far. If you’ve never taken a communication class this might be the time to find a good class to sign up to take. If you don’t have the time to dedicate to a class, sign up for a webinar, purchase high rated books and read them on your time at your own pace. Your team will thank you.
  1. Set Goals: Set goals in your personal life, for your team, and encourage your team to set their own person goals so they have other motivating factors besides the bottom line. Create a fun game out of it, and reward those that reach their personal goals. Then encourage them to help their teammates reach their goals as well. Create a teambuilding and teamwork environment of inclusiveness so your team builds trust, wants everyone to perform well, and will work well together.
  1. Develop Thick Skin: Since you’re at the top, if your team fails you will be the one to take the blame. However, on the plus side all failures bring lessons learned. Take those lessons to heart, learn from them, and create processes in place to avoid those mistakes in the future. You’ll take the burden on your back, but don’t go pointing fingers at why the project failed. Instead, engage in meaningful conversation with your team to determine what went wrong, and how to avoid it going forward.
  1. Build Your Team’s Confidence: A team that doesn’t believe they can reach their goals most likely will not reach their goals. Confucius is to have said, “The man who says he can, and the man who says he cannot are both correct.” Build your team’s confidence, give them access to tools to help them, and most of all tell them you believe in them.
  1. Invest in Your Team and Yourself: Just as you as a leader need to recharge, stay up to date on current leadership tips and tools, your team also needs to be invested in to help them grow. Think of great leaders you had in your past (if you were lucky enough to have one!), and think about how they motivated you, invested time and resources into you, and pay it forward.
  1. Organization: A team must be organized to get their job done. Ensure your shift scheduling software is set up properly so your team knows when meetings are, and arrive on time to optimize your meetings’ efficiency. Have your most organize staff member keep notes and communicate them to the team. Keep track of goals, and overall strategies. Most importantly develop and organize your departments’ or company structure.
  1. Respect: Respect goes both ways. If you don’t respect your team, their thoughts, ambitions, and ideas they probably won’t think much of you as a boss or a leader. While not every idea is great and can be implemented you can thank your team member for their input in a way that doesn’t put them down. Command respect, but don’t be unkind.
  1. Recognize Your Team: Rewarding and recognizing your team is also important. While some of your employees might need more encouragement than others, it is always a good idea to recognize your team for their hard work. You can have a fun fake awards luncheon, let someone go home an hour early for reaching their sales goal, or come up with your own fun way to recognize your team’s hard work and dedication.
  1. Develop Trust Both Ways: Trust goes both ways. Sometimes stress and pressures of leadership can make you feel like you need to have more control over the goal, strategy, or project to make it perform better which can lead to micromanagement. Ultimately, this stifles your team and doesn’t allow them to do what they are capable of doing. You have to learn to trust your team to do what they were hired to do.

You can implement some of these tips and tactics no matter what your position is within your company. Everyone can have a positive impact on their goals, team, or project by stepping up. If you are the organization’s leader its always good to refresh to improve your results. If you are currently on a team, or in a lower-level position, acting like a leader and cultivating your skills will help get you noticed and can help you move up into a leadership position. Go lead, go learn, and create positivity in your team!

Equip A Better Budgeting For Forecasting A Better Optimized Operations And Profit

Budget is defined as the assessment of income and expenditure for a given period of time. If this income and expenditure is planned well ahead, then there is no worry about loss. There are three main subjects in budget planning and they are as follows revenue, expense and profit. While doing budget planning these three subjects are taken into consideration. Budget Planning Guide For Business is essential because this will give an idea about running a business for the forthcoming financial year. It also gives an idea about the areas which is very weak and need that extra attention. Financial planning for a business gives an outlook idea about resource allocation and the resolution. Since this planning is done well ahead, the business structure will stay focused throughout the planned period. There will be no shortfall in any areas of the business.

Department wise planning is to be done in order to derive at the master budget. Inflation is one of the primary object without which the budget is not complete. There are certain steps which need to be followed to develop that mega budget plan for the business. Firstly, note down the income from sales and all other outcomes from various investments. This will give an idea about allocation of funds for the future. If there is no or under growth in of the sector then that area need to be attended with extra care. Secondly income has to be forecasted. This is done using the previous sales growth if it is an old business. For newer ones, the competitor’s graph can be taken into consideration. Next is to associate all these income and expense so that you will get an idea whether the income is enough for running the business in the future. Otherwise, fix up a target for the sales in the forthcoming year.

Real time budget planning involves lots of training and knowledge

Usually in a company, there is a practice of following their previous manager’s protocol to complete this budget planning. This does not work out but due to short deadline and lack knowledge these mistakes occur. Hence proper training should be given to staffs for Annual Budgeting Process For Business. There are so many benefits involved in this business financial planning. The section wise budget involves staffs from all stage hence getting a good rapport with the team. This will increase the team spirit and hence the productivity. While discussing, these sections will determine the weaker areas and will create a document to make it strong.

As this is in writing, the future decisions are taken accordingly. This will not affect the performance of the company in the future. All these sector wise plans are consolidated into a mega plan for the whole company. This will have a clear picture about the future operation plan. This mega budget will be used as the tool to control the fortune of the business. These are all some of the benefits which could be enjoyed from budget planning. Finally to summarize, budgeting need to be concentrated broadly on operating budget and financial budget.

The Worst Things you can do With Your Money

Money moves that you think sound great at the time can actually end up being big mistakes. Bottom line is, there are many potential investment opportunities for you to select from, but many don’t give you a rate of return that’s in line with your goals of retirement. In fact, many can’t even keep up with the inflation rate, so you won’t even make money on the deal.

Let the voice of reason guide you in your investments, and heed these warnings about the top worst things you can do with your money.

Investing too conservatively: This is one of the worst offenses. You may want to just dip your toes in the investing waters, but you may be taking it too safe with CDs, bonds and the like. Take an average CD, for example, which will give you a return of maybe one percent a year. With bonds, you could probably eke out about two percent. Of course, checking accounts are the worst, giving you not much better than a half percentage point. Inflation is about two percent right now, so you can see you won’t be making any money with these options.

Purchasing annuities: People hear that they can get a regular cash disbursement for the rest of their lives, so they go with annuities. However, this is something insurance companies offer their customers as a consumer investment product that can provide either regular fixed-income payouts (a fixed annuity) or variable payouts based on the performance of the underlying investments, according to The Motley Fool. The investments in fixed-income securities can’t keep up with the inflation rate, meaning you lose money in the long run. On top of that, you’ll pay large commissions and annual maintenance fees.

Helping others out: While your parental protective instincts will kick into overdrive when your adult children ask you to bail them out of a dire financial situation, take a moment to think that over. If you are well off and have the means to do so without compromising your own retirement, good for you. However, if your own retirement account is modest at best, keep your interests at heart and decline helping family and friends. Your children are young enough that they can recover, earn degrees for more earning power, get better jobs, and eventually get back on their own feet. If you are already in retirement and use a good portion of it to help them out, what are you left with? You could live another 30 years. How will you live it?

Chasing high-yield stocks: While high-dividend stocks can form a solid part of your portfolio, going after a stock because of its past performance and high yield is foolish. Always do your research to determine the sustainability of the dividend payout and the business model.

Of course, the top mistake you can make is not protecting your investments by letting a stock broker handle everything while you turn a blind eye. Stock fraud happens all too commonly in this country, which is why you need a securities lawyer on your side.


Electronic Health Records: What You Need to Know

Electronic Health Records, or EHR, have been around since 1991.

The idea was introduced by a report put out that year by the Institute of Medicine.

At that time they were called Electronic Medical Records, though a modern distinction has been made between the two terminologies.

The overall concept is the same. It’s a digital version of a patient’s medical chart.

The differences in EHR and EMR are basically in the scope of what they include in their data.


The terms are often used interchangeably, though that isn’t actually correct because there are contrasts.

An Electronic Medical Record includes all the information that would normally go on a patient’s paper chart, such as history, diagnoses, treatments, and any other pertinent details for one provider or practice.

An EMR isn’t shared between providers.

An Electronic Health Record includes all the same information that an EMR does, plus some.

An EHR is a more comprehensive compilation of health history and it is designed to be shared between providers.

The sharing of an EHR also extends to places like labs and pharmacies and can even extend beyond state borders.

Electronic Health Records are basically the natural effects of advancing technology!

The benefits of EHR

More than two-thirds of physician respondents in the Physician Sentiment Index feel that EHR have the capability to improve patient care.

How exactly do they raise the level of care a patient receives?

  • Convenience. At a basic level, there are no stacks of paper to deal with. The necessary information can be retrieved with a few clicks. There is less hassle and time involved, increasing overall productivity.
  • Fewer errors. Paper records tend to have more mistakes than their digital counterpart. Obviously, medical mistakes can have larger and more important implications than mistakes in other fields.
  • Open communication. When all the medical professionals involved in the care of a patient can have equal access to the big picture of their medical history and records, a diagnosis and treatment plan are quicker in coming.
  • Follow ongoing care. Doctors are able to follow the progress and ongoing care of their patients more easily when it is all in one easily accessible database. Collaboration of care is greatly simplified.
  • Lessen the stress of emergency situations. EHR can literally be life-saving in an emergency. Having a patient’s complete medical history at their fingertips can save precious time, especially in a situation where the patient is unable to speak.

Choosing the right software

All EHR software isn’t created equal.

There are some components providers should look for when choosing the best software for their practice.

  • Make sure it’s certified. The certification comes from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology or ONC. There are rules and requirements that must be followed at the risk of receiving penalties.
  • Think about privacy and security. The software should guarantee the safety of files, as well as backup. Make sure that the company is using the most up-to-date safety measures.
  • Consider the cost. Some EHR software has a large initial cost but lower fees to maintain. Others are free or less costly up-front but don’t have the features needed or charge a lot for maintenance and upgrade. Consult with a representative of the software company and make sure to be apprised of all the costs associated.
  • Put a lot of weight on customer care. If something malfunctions, having the necessary help to get back on track is vital. Choose a software company that is known for their client care, like Medipro, Inc.

The benefits of an EHR program outweigh any initial hesitancy that is associated with implementing a new program.