Startup Advice List

Newbie businessmen often get overwhelmed with questions. Here are five tips which can help you get prepared for a startup launch

5 Tips on a Startup

There are millions questions every newbie businessman meets. It is obligatory to answer some of them before they launch their business. Here are some pieces of advice, which can help you concentrate on main things and turn your idea into a functioning project.By the way, in order not to waste time on university assignments and to do business as quickly as possible, it makes sense to turn to

1. Describe Your Idea on a Paper

Any business starts from the idea. This is the real fact. And the main task for this stage is to represent the business-idea on a paper. After you write some words about what you plan to do, you’ll understand a lot more than you thought before. This is the way to structure your thoughts and to fill missing links you’ll find in a process.

Describe a product, thoughts it is associated with. Describe what you see your business to look like by using definitions for regular things: “cheerful”, “daring”, “bright”, “calm”, “family”. Write some words about your target audience Many businessmen do this all in a working process, but it will be more useful to deal with writing before you start.

Now share your idea with friends and relatives. Their questions and notes will help you to correct and expand your plan.

2. Count the Launch Sum

Numerous ideas dont get implemented because of failed check of this stage. So, let’s not deny accounting activities and take a look onto exes which will be required for your business to be launched:

  • Registration;
  • Own website creation;
  • Office rent;
  • Telephones;
  • Getting the required staff;
  • Polygraph design and printing (packing, for instance);
  • Photos and video recording;
  • Company promotion investments.

Dont forget to store nearly 20% of the sum youve got for unpredicted exes!

Planning and estimating of finances are the best ways to check your idea.

3.Create a Sales and Costs Plan

The ideal solution is to compose three plans:

  • Optimistic. This is a plan of the perfect realization for your business: the highest demand, big number of clients. Write down how much your clients buy daily. This is the way to count your monthly sales.
  • Realistic.Nom lower numbers from the previous plan by 30% and write it all down again.
  • Pessimistic.Imagine that your starting sales are not high, there are much less clients than you thought before. It is better to keep up with this plan. You wont get cheated by expectations.

Important thing: dont forget about your constant and variable costs. Remember about monthly loan or credit payments (if you need to take ones). Take everything into account, and write down numbers of pure income or lesion.

4. Plan Your Team

Now you need to decide what team will be able to provide realization for your plans. Here are questions you need to answer:

  • Does your business need any director except of you?
  • Will you give a part of responsibilities for outsourcing companies, or you want to get your own staff?
  • What will be your working schedule?
  • Determine the system of work payment for your workers. Salary, percent, bonuses or even non-material rewards.
  • Will you have internal, corporate learning, is it required in your field?

These questions seem to be unactual for lots of freshman employers. Yet experience shows that writing down all the answers on the paper beforehand helps to implement them in business practically a lot faster.

5. Determine Your Personal Responsibilities

Here are two interesting lifehacks for this.

First, you need to think in the way like you own a big international company from the very beginning. If to do so, your decisions will certainly lead business to a success.

Second, you shouldn’t devote yourself to the operative activities trying to be a chief, a loader, a courier and a manager simultaneously. Hire workers at once. Otherwise, you’ll waste much time which would be devoted to the development of your company.

Use these tips and make your idea real successfully. Thepointis, don’tbeafraidtoact, to make decisions and to take responsibilities. Maybe, it is your idea that deserves successful realization!